intellectual development

Our children will be taught English, Mandarin, Mathematical Concepts, Creative Arts and General Knowledge. The teaching of English will be centred towards ensuring that children are able to recognise letters of the alphabet and their phonetics and are able to further develop their reading skills.

In teaching Mathematical Concepts, children will be taught to recognise shapes, sizes, weights and volumes, in addition to counting and number recognition. Our target is to set the foundation for more complex and abstract mathematical work for later learning. We strive to develop thought processes in young children that comprises of matching, counting and seriation.

It’s children’s nature to be creative and spontaneous and the best method to develop their creativity would be through art in a variety of ways. Art activities are a good avenue for kids to explore and express themselves freely without any obstruction, so our focus is on the process rather than the product itself. Children can be nurtured in aesthetic appreciation through the exposure of various art forms. Art experiences are versatile and as such, children can develop fine and gross motor skills, eye and hand coordination and learn concepts such as colour, size, shape, form and texture.

Physical development

Physical development of the children involves concentrating on the muscle tone and the fine and gross motor co-ordination. We hope to achieve our goal through activities such as music and movement, outdoor physical activity etc.

Music and the accompanying movement activities permit children to use their muscles via finger play and dance. They also exhibit creativity as they respond to music. In addition, singing and dancing invokes expression of emotions, which enables them to build on their self- esteem as they perform. Moreover, they are able to learn auditory discrimination of different sounds, melody and rhythm.

Emotional Well Being

The emotional well-being of a child is an important factor in determining the child’s ability to learn. As such, our teachers are willing to travel the extra mile to help the children feel secure, comfortable and happy in the school.

Parental involvement

A successful child’s development encompasses both the educational institute’s and the parents’ involvement. As such, we value parents and their involvement in their child’s growth at Sheffield Kidsworld.

Social graces and Etiquette

Children will be taught social graces and etiquette that are necessary for them to be able to live in harmony with their peers. Moral education will be introduced to the children through stories as well as through daily practical situations. We strongly believe that this is the best way we can help the children to grow up as mature and well behaved individuals.

Children will engage in role playing activities so that they are able to assume imaginary roles and re-enact real life experiences in order to learn more about social graces and   etiquette better.

Parents-As-Tutors scheme (PAT)

We work hand in hand with parents, whereby there is a healthy exchange of information and knowledge between the school and the parents. We believe that this would greatly benefit the child’s growth and development.

Parent Teacher Conference (PTC)

Our teachers will meet the parents individually in order to update them on the progress of their child. The child’s portfolio on his/her achievements and work over the last 6 months shall be given to the parents.

Parental volunteering scheme

Under this scheme, parents register themselves with us as a parent volunteer. The role of the parent volunteer is to help us on field trips, storytelling, music and movement, cookery lessons, Art and Craft etc.